A Bird's Eye
View of Amish Acres and the Surrounding Countryside
As soon as Amish Acres opened to the public in 1969, one of
the first requests from inquisitive visitors was for a map of the countryside
to extend their visit to Nappanee. Fortunately, we had produced a cartoon-like
map to complement the Pletcher Village Arts & Crafts Festival since 1963.
It was not only cartoon-like, but designed by Max Gwin, a well known cartoonist
from Nappanee.
Max is one of six nationally syndicated cartoonists to have
grown up in Nappanee and shared the same art teacher. They rode the heyday of
the newspaper cartoon strip culture.
Merrill Blosser's "Freckles and His Friends," is
the only comic strip in history to reach its Golden Anniversary under the
personal direction of its original writer-cartoonist. Bill Holman's "Smokey Stover and the
Smoke Eaters," remains the mascot of the Nappanee Fire Department. Fred Nehr created the popular and insightful
strip "Life's Like That." Henry Maust, originally a cartoonist,
switched to painting and commercial art and was published on a regular basis by
the "Saturday Evening Post" and" Woman's Home Companion,"
and Francis Parks became editorial cartoonist for the San Francisco Call-Bulletin.
Max published his "Slim and Spud" cartoon strip in
The Prairie Farmer for over four
decades before his retirement. I had the privilege of "working" for
Max while I was in high school. My skills were limited to drawing the square
panels with an ink drafting pen, the kind that very easily smeared under the
straight edge of the architect's triangle.
Back to the map - with the arrival of Amish Acres, Max expanded
his freehand map into an elaborate and detailed map surrounding Nappanee with
more emphasis on the countryside shops that visitors found quaint and
unique. That map remains the underlying
design of the new, full color rendition by Jeff Stillson. Jeff is my son-in-law
and an accomplished graphic artist who has been producing the farm's advertising
material for over two decades and has become a well known artist in his own
right through his Stillson Studio of Advertising and Design. The
"new" map now includes exactly 100 points and places of interest.
Since Amish Acres beginnings Amish owned cabinet, retail and sewing shops have proliferated
and a total of 250 such establishments have been identified.
The "new" map now includes the Elkhart County
Heritage Trail, the Road Scholar Bicycle Trail, the Ren Town Trail, the
Nappanee Bicycle Path, and Countryside Shoppes Trail.
To emphasize the other world experience that visitors have
come to expect, the map's cover is designed around passport stamps that
represent all of the attractions of Amish Acres. A $99 Getaway Package has
become the most popular way to take advantage of all that Amish Acres and
Nappanee have to offer and the map is a centerpiece of the package.
Although much of the original map remains unchanged, it has
seen the addition of not only Amish Acres that is now listed in the National
Register of Historic Places, but The Inn at Amish Acres, The Nappanee Inn, a Federal Wetland Nature Reserve, The Nappanee
Center, the restored B&O Depot, the restorations of the downtown's historic
murals, new streetscape, and the expansion of those early arts and craft festivals
into one of America's premier events of its kind, having been ranked as high as
the third best traditional crafts festival in the nation. Now Amish Acres also
plays host to WFRN's Friend Fest, the fastest growing Christian Music Festival
in America.